Thursday 25 March 2010

Gambar Shih Tzu lucu lucu

Gambar Shih Tzu lucu lucu ^_^

Sunday 21 March 2010

All About Poodle

The Poodle is a breed of dog, and is regarded as the second most intelligent breed of dog in the world.[1] The poodle breed is found officially in toy, miniature, and standard sizes, with many coat colors. Originally bred as a type of water dog, the poodle is skillful in many dog sports, including agility, obedience, tracking, and even herding. Poodles are elegant in the conformation ring, having taken top honors in many shows, including "Best in Show" at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1991 and 2002, and at the World Dog Show in 2007


Poodles are retrievers or gun dogs, and can still be seen in that role. The Poodle is believed to have originated in Germany, where it is known as the Pudel. The English word "poodle" comes from the German pudel or puddeln, meaning to splash in the water. The breed was standardized in France, where it was commonly used as a water retriever.[2]

The American Kennel Club states that the large, or Standard, Poodle is the oldest of the three varieties[3] and that the dog gained special fame as a water worker. So widely was it used as retriever that it was bred with a moisture-resistant coat to further facilitate progress in swimming. Thence came the custom of clipping to pattern which so enhanced the style and general appearance that its sponsors, particularly in France,[citation needed] were captivated by it. All of the Poodle's ancestors were acknowledged to be good swimmers, although one member of the family, the truffle dog (which may have been of Toy or Miniature size), it is said, never went near the water. Truffle hunting was widely practiced in England, and later in Spain and Germany, where the edible fungus has always been considered a delicacy. For scenting and digging up the fungus, the smaller dogs were favored, since they did less damage to the truffles with their feet than the larger kinds. So it is rumored[4] that a terrier was crossed with the Poodle to produce the ideal truffle hunter.

Despite the Standard Poodle's claim to greater age than the other varieties, there is some evidence to show that the smaller types developed only a short time after the breed assumed the general type by which it is recognized today. The smallest, or Toy variety, was developed in England in the 18th century, when the White Cuban became popular there. This was a sleeve dog attributed to the West Indies from whence it traveled to Spain and then to England. But the Continent had known the Poodle long before it came to England. Drawings by the German artist, Albrecht Durer, establish the breed in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was the principal pet dog of the latter 18th century in Spain, as shown by the paintings of the Spanish artist Francisco Goya. And France had Toy Poodles as pampered favorites during the reign of Louis XVI at about the same period.[5]ementara yang jantan memiliki ekor yang panjang.


Most poodles have a dense, curly, non-shedding coat that requires regular grooming. Since poodles do not have the plush double coat of many breeds, their fur is often referred to as "hair", a term usually reserved for humans.[note 1] Most poodles are solid-colored, and many registries allow only solid colors in conformation shows. "Parti" (short for parti-colored) poodles have large patches of colors different from the main body color. "Phantom" poodles have the color pattern of a black-and-tan dog, although not necessarily black and tan. Solid-colored poodles may either "hold" their color (i.e., stay more or less the same throughout their lives) or "fade" or "clear" to a lighter shade. Usually the ears and the thicker guard hairs hold more of the original color than other hair.[6]

The tail is usually poofy, often docked in the US and less often in Europe; the practice is illegal in the UK[7] and Australia.[8] Tails, when docked, are left much longer than in the past.[citation needed] "Bunny-like tails" (very short-docked tails) are now rarely seen except among puppy mill pet shop dogs. Poodles have drop ears which are never cropped.

Poodle sizes

Unlike many breeds, poodles can come in a variety of sizes, distinguished by adult shoulder (withers) height. The exact height cutoffs among the varieties vary slightly from country to country. Non-Fédération Cynologique Internationale kennel clubs generally recognize three sizes, standard, miniature, and toy, sometimes as sizes of the same breed, and sometimes as separate breeds. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes four sizes of one breed, standard, medium, miniature, and toy.[9] Only the Fédération Cynologique Internationale describes a maximum size for standard poodles. France is the country responsible for the breed in the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, and in this country the puppies of all sizes are listed together.[10]. The terms royal standard, teacup, and tiny teacup are marketing names, and are not recognized by any major kennel club.


Unlike most dogs which have double coats, poodles have a single layer (no undercoat) of dense, curly fur[12] that sheds minimally[13] and could be considered hypoallergenic (though not completely allergen free).[14] Texture ranges from coarse and woolly to soft and wavy. Poodle show clips require many hours of brushing and care per week, about 10 hours/week for a standard poodle. Poodles are usually clipped down as soon as their show career is over and put into a lower-maintenance cut. Pet clips are much less elaborate than show and require much less maintenance. A pet owner can anticipate grooming a poodle every six to eight weeks. Although professional grooming is often costly, poodles are easy to groom at home if one has the proper equipment.


Otherwise notable is this breed's keen sense for instinctual behavior. In particular, marking and hunting drives are more readily observable than in most other breeds. Even Toys will point birds. Classified as highly energetic, poodles can also get bored fairly easily and have been known to get creative about finding mischief. Poodles like to be in the center of things and are easily trained to do astonishing tricks involving both brains and agility. They have performed in circuses for centuries, beginning in Europe, and have been part of the Ringling Circus in its various forms from its inception. The Grimaldis, the famous British clowns Kenneth and Audrey Austin, "developed a stronger circus act" with a clever Poodle named 'Twinkle,' the success of which allowed them to continue performing even as octogenarians."[20]

Poodles are extremely people-oriented dogs and generally eager to please. Standard Poodles in particular tend to be good with children. Poodles are adaptable and easy to train. Like most dogs, they appreciate daily exercise, such as a walk or a play session. Most are fairly agile and athletic.

Toy Poodles will play ball and love to fetch. Play time is vital, but one must be sure that they get plenty of rest following long play periods and that fresh water is available at all times.

Housebreaking can be difficult in many dog breeds, but the poodle is one of the easiest to train. Whether going outside or being trained on a pad, they learn quickly where to defecate. They are still animals, however, and they need time to understand what is desired of them. It may take a while, but poodles are quite smart and learn more quickly than most dogs.

Comparison of Poodle sizes defined by major kennel clubs


The Kennel Club (UK)

Australian National Kennel Council

New Zealand Kennel Club

Canadian Kennel Club

American Kennel Club

United Kennel Club

Fédération Cynologique Internationale

Standard, Grande

over 38 cm (15 ins)

38 cm (15 ins) and over

38 cm (15 ins) and over

over 15 inches (38 cm)

over 15 inches (38 cm)

over 15 inches (38 cm)

over 45 cm to 60 cm (+2 cm) (18ins to 24ins)

Medium, Moyen

not used

not used

not used

not used

not used

not used

over 35 cm to 45 cm (14ins to 18ins)

Miniature - Dwarf, Nain

28 cm to 38 cm (11ins to 15ins)

28 cm to under 38 cm (11ins to 15ins)

28 cm to under 38 cm (11ins to 15ins)

over 10ins to under 15ins (25.4 cm to 38 cm)

over 10ins to 15ins (25.4 cm to 38 cm)

over 10ins up to 15ins (25.4 cm to 38 cm)

over 28 cm to 35 cm (11ins to 14ins)


under 28 cm (11 ins)

under 28 cm (11 ins)

under 28 cm (11 ins)

under 10ins (25.4 cm)

under 10ins (25.4 cm)

under 10ins (25.4 cm)

24 cm to 28 cm (9.4ins to 11ins)

Source : Wikipedia

Sejarah Shih Tzu

Nama dan etimologi

Shih Tzu (cina sederhana: 狮子狗; cina tradisional: 狮子狗; Pinyin: Shīzi Gǒu; Wade-Giles: Shih-tzu Kou; harfiah "Anjing Singa"), adalah nama Cina yang diberikan sesuai dengan Wade-Giles sistem romanisasi digunakan berkembang biak ketika pertama kali diperkenalkan di Eropa; lafal Cina kira-kira kerut-dzə. Nama diterjemahkan sebagai Anjing Singa, dinamakan demikian karena anjing dibiakkan untuk mirip "singa seperti digambarkan dalam seni oriental tradisional," [1] seperti singa wali Cina. Shih Tzu yang juga sering dikenal sebagai "Xi Shi quan" (西施犬), berdasarkan nama Xi Shi, yang dianggap sebagai wanita paling cantik cina kuno [2], dan, kurang sering, Krisan Anjing, sebuah julukan diciptakan di Inggris pada 1930-an. [3] Si anjing juga dapat disebut Anjing Singa Tibet, tapi apakah atau tidak berkembang biak harus dirujuk sebagai berkembang biak Tibet atau Cina merupakan sumber argumen, jawaban mutlak yang " mungkin tidak akan pernah diketahui "


Anjing kecil dengan moncong pendek dan besar dalam mata gelap, dengan panjang yang lembut, double coat, Shih Tzu yang berdiri tidak lebih dari 26,7 cm (10 1 / 2 in) pada layu dan dengan berat ideal 4,5-7,3 kg (10-16 lbs). Drop telinga ditutupi dengan bulu panjang, dan ekor berbulu banyak dilakukan meringkuk di belakang. Mungkin mantel warna apapun, meskipun api putih pada dahi dan ujung ekor sering terlihat. Shih Tzu yang sedikit lebih panjang dari tinggi, dan anjing idealnya harus membawa diri "dengan jelas kereta sombong". [5]

Tradisional mengkilap seperti sutra mantel panjang yang mencapai lantai memerlukan menyikat harian untuk menghindari kusut। Seringkali mantel yang terpotong pendek untuk menyederhanakan perawatan, dalam sebuah "anjing klip". Untuk konformasi menunjukkan, mantel harus dibiarkan dalam keadaan alami, meskipun pemangkasan untuk kerapian di sekitar kaki dan anus diperbolehkan. [6] Karena Shih Tzu hidung kecil dan datar, pemilik anjing sering mengusap wajah dengan handuk kertas basah untuk menghilangkan sisa-sisa makanan setelah anjing telah memakan makanan. Shih Tzu bisa dilatih untuk minum dari botol air. Botol air wajah tetap bersih dan kering ragi merah mencegah dari yang tumbuh di Shih Tzu jenggot dan kumis. Pemilik sering mengikat helai rambut dari kepala Shih Tzu menjadi ekor kuda yang menempel ke atas.


Baru-baru ini analisis DNA mengkonfirmasi bahwa leluhur Shih Tzu hari ini berkembang biak adalah di antara yang paling kuno anjing। [7] Ludvic von Schulmuth mempelajari sisa-sisa kerangka anjing yang ditemukan di pemukiman manusia selama sepuluh ribu tahun yang lalu। Von Schulmuth menciptakan sebuah silsilah dari Tibet anjing yang menunjukkan "Dapur Gurun Gobi Midden Anjing", seorang pemulung, berubah menjadi "Soft-Coated Kecil Drop-Eared Hunting Dog" yang berkembang menjadi Spaniel Tibet, Pekingese, dan Japanese Chin। Cabang lain turun dari "Dapur Midden Dog" memunculkan Papillon dan Long-berambut Chihuahua dan lain "Dapur Midden Dog" cabang ke Pug dan Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu yang hampir sepenuhnya terhapus selama Revolusi Cina. Tujuh laki-laki dan tujuh perempuan yang diselamatkan, dan hari ini, semua shih tzus dapat ditelusuri kembali ke salah satu anjing tersebut. [8]

Ada berbagai teori tentang asal-usul hari ini berkembang biak. Teori menyebutkan bahwa itu berasal dari persilangan antara Peking dan anjing Tibet; bahwa pengadilan Cina menerima pasangan sebagai hadiah selama Dinasti Tang (618-907 AD), dan bahwa mereka diperkenalkan dari Tibet ke Cina pada pertengahan-18 abad (Dinasti Qing. [9] Anjing selama waktu itu dibiakkan secara selektif dan dilihat dalam lukisan Cina. Yang pertama dari jenis anjing yang diimpor ke Eropa (Inggris dan Norwegia) pada tahun 1930, dan digolongkan oleh Kennel Club sebagai "Apsos" . [9] Yang pertama standar Eropa untuk berkembang biak ditulis di Inggris pada tahun 1935 oleh Shih Tzu Club, [10] dan recatagorised sebagai anjing-anjing Shih Tzu. yang berkembang biak menyebar ke seluruh Eropa, dan dibawa ke Amerika Serikat setelah Dunia PD II, ketika kembali anggota militer AS membawa pulang anjing dari Eropa. Shih Tzu yang diakui oleh American Kennel Club pada tahun 1969 dalam Toy Group. [9] The berkembang biak kini diakui oleh semua klub kandang utama dalam dunia berbahasa Inggris. Hal ini juga diakui oleh Federation Cynologique Internationale untuk kompetisi internasional dalam Companion dan Toy Dog Group, Bagian 5, keturunan Tibet


Rentang hidup sebuah Shih Tzu adalah 10-16 tahun meskipun beberapa variasi dari kisaran ini mungkin


The Shih Tzu adalah anjing pangkuan ramah bahwa pada suatu waktu itu dibiakkan menjadi anjing pendamping untuk bangsawan Cina. Ada yang bilang tinggal di istana kekaisaran Shih Tzu memberikan kualitas arogan, meskipun mereka juga menampilkan kualitas pengabdian dan kemampuan beradaptasi. Mereka tidak takut untuk membela diri sendiri. Mereka cenderung manis, menyenangkan, dan percaya juga. Ini peringkat 70 di Stanley Coren 's Intelijen Anjing, dianggap sebagai salah satu tingkat terendah bekerja / ketaatan kecerdasan (trainability). Mereka tidak membutuhkan sebanyak latihan sebagai anjing yang lebih besar, tetapi jangan mengalami kesulitan yang sama karena kebanyakan anjing ras kecil karena memiliki kandung kemih yang lebih kecil.

Shih Tzu Shih Tzu

Adult Shih Tzu in full coat. Shih Tzu dewasa dalam mantel penuh.Coats are often clipped short for ease of care. Mantel sering dipotong pendek untuk memudahkan perawatan.

Other names Nama lain

Chinese Lion Dog Lion Cina Dog
Chrysanthemum Dog Krisan Dog

Country of origin Negara asal

China Cina

Traits Ciri

Weight Bobot

Male Laki-laki

4–7.25 kilograms (8.8–16 lb) 4-7,25 kilogram (8,8-16 lb)

Female Perempuan

4–7.25 kilograms (8.8–16 lb) 4-7,25 kilogram (8,8-16 lb)

Height Ketinggian

Male Laki-laki

20–28 centimetres (7.9–11 in) 20-28 cm (7,9-11 in)

Female Perempuan

20–28 centimetres (7.9–11 in) 20-28 cm (7,9-11 in)

Coat Lapisan

See Coats section below Lihat Coats bagian di bawah ini

Color Warna

Dark / Light Brown

Black Hitam

Litter size Sampah ukuran

2-5 2-5

Life span Hidup

14-18 years 14-18 tahun

Sumber : Wikipedia


Group 9:Companion and Toy Dogs, Section 5:Tibetan breeds #208 Grup 9: Companion dan Mainan Anjing, Bagian 5: Tibet breeds # 208

standard standar


Toys Mainan

standard standar


Group 7 - Non-Sporting Grup 7 - Non-Sporting

standard standar


Group 6 - Non-Sporting Group 6 - Non-Sporting

standard standar


Utility Utility

standard standar


Non-sporting Non-olahraga

standard standar


Companion Dog Companion Dog

standard standar

The name translates as Lion Dog, so named because the dog was bred to resemble "the lion as depicted in traditional oriental art," [ 1 ] such as the Chinese guardian lions . Nama diterjemahkan sebagai Anjing Singa, dinamakan demikian karena anjing dibiakkan untuk mirip "singa seperti digambarkan dalam seni oriental tradisional," [1] seperti singa wali Cina. The Shih Tzu is also often known as the "Xi Shi quan" (西施犬), based on the name of Xi Shi , regarded as the most beautiful woman of ancient China [ 2 ] , and, less often, the Chrysanthemum Dog, a nickname coined in England in the 1930s. [ 3 ] The dog may also be called the Tibetan Lion Dog, but whether or not the breed should be referred to as a Tibetan or Chinese breed is a source of argument, the absolute answer to which "may never be known". [ 4 ] Shih Tzu yang juga sering dikenal sebagai "Xi Shi quan" (西施犬), berdasarkan nama Xi Shi, yang dianggap sebagai wanita paling cantik cina kuno [2], dan, kurang sering, Krisan Anjing, sebuah julukan diciptakan di Inggris pada 1930-an. [3] Si anjing juga dapat disebut Anjing Singa Tibet, tapi apakah atau tidak berkembang biak harus dirujuk sebagai berkembang biak Tibet atau Cina merupakan sumber argumen, jawaban mutlak yang " mungkin tidak akan pernah diketahui


Together Shih Tzu - Poodle